Social Media Marketing for Startups

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Whether you are just starting a business or just starting to use social media to market your business, it can be overwhelming as to where you should begin. You hear so many stories as to what works and how successful people are using social media to market their business.

Using social media to market your business takes time, consistency, planning, and persistence. If you want to be effective and successfully grow your business, then social media marketing is a great option. To help you navigate your way through all the information we are going to share with you so tips that will help you determine what to do and how to do it. These tips are for those beginning and are just your first step in your marketing journey.


Phase 1

It is important before you start that you have a foundation and that means having a plan and a strategy.  You will need to determine the following

  1. Goals – should reflect what you would like to achieve
  2. Target audience/market – is generally who will be using your product or service
  3. Customer avatar – is specifically what that customer looks like, acts like and what their interests are.
  4. Check out your competition social media profiles – it helps to give you an idea of type of content your customer will find relatable.

Phase 2

Once you have built your foundation then you can move into the more specifics of your marketing

  1. What platforms will you use – Start with one or 2 platforms
  2. Create the accounts – make that your business name/logo is consistent on all platforms
  3. Post Consistently – to build an audience and following being consistent is vital
  4. Consider Paid Options – you will need a marketing budget for paid ads to extend your reach to new customers

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  Phase 3

This phase is ongoing as you implement your plan and strategy you will always want to

  1. Engage – be sure to engage with your audience as well as others on the platforms of your choice
  2. Monitor – your results, reach, engagement at first. You want to be sure your content is what your audience wants.
  3. Reassess – make adjustments as needed





Social Media Marketing is crucial to the success of your business in the long term. It is easy to become overwhelmed and not know where to begin, what you need to be doing and how to find the time. These are common struggles all new businesses face when it comes to marketing. That is why we created our Simply Smart Start Up Guide. It has everything you need to begin marketing your business using social media.  Check it out at Simply Smart

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